Rethink strategy

Positioning, brand and brand portfolio. Forget about the ready-made strategic solutions and models as we’ve known them for years. The world is changing and the consumer is changing with it just as quickly. Our Retail Brand Factory helps us to keep up with relevant Retail Strategies that always respond to these changes and constantly makes new, exciting choices which are aligned with the changes and are surprising. The rapidly changing retail world is filled with chances and challenges. 

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Rethink packaging

If packaging design tells the story of the brand at a glance, then what are we going to do when the consumer demands less packaging? What will the role of the design become on a mobile device? We will look for innovative, fitting designs, new materials, and even new places to tell our story, with creatives who look where others don’t. 

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Rethink communication

One product. One design. One story. Communication can become so much more powerful and clear-cut if we take the packaging as the starting point. Let the product and its story be the communication hero, which allows all the resources to strengthen each other and create a Gesamtkünstwerk of the brand. 

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Rethink online or offline

It’s onlife. We need to engage the customer. Surprise: the consumer isn’t sitting around waiting for us. How do we make sure that brands survive and stand out in the onlife world? The consumer switches effortlessly and mindlessly from online to offline. Relevant onlife packaging is the linking pin.

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